Hi Crowd!
Quick updates on somethings I'm (thinking of) making...
I’ve just run out of space in my print storage and want to make some new prints, but that means I need to sell some prints to make room for the new ones, so if you’ve been considering something or are looking for the perfect Halloween gift there’s still time! Use 'FREESHIP' to get free shipping in my print shop for the rest of the month.
This includes these two large format prints I did recently (and where shipping adds up quickly):

I really like seeing the work this size, so I think I'm going to try to do more of it, of course printing them large just to stick into my files is not ideal so finding homes for them and/or places to show them off is definitely something I'm interested in. Especially this "street photography in the forrest" series I've been working on, I keep thinking about seeing these printed out big on a wall next to each other:

In fact, it was thinking about how these would look together in series that sent me hunting for a small run book manufacturer here in Canada. I'd gotten some recommendations from people in the past, but they were all elsewhere in the world which would have resulted in significant shipping/customs fees to get them to me which would have been obnoxious, so I was excited when I recently found a domestic option. I'm waiting for samples now, but assuming they are good I think I'm going to put these together into a bound edition. I funded my last book with kickstarter, which was fine, but I think I'll do something differently with this one which might just be as simple as preordered for a signed/numbered edition. Still thinking about it, anyone with lots of small run book making experience/thoughts feel free to send suggestions.
I'm getting ahead of myself, but if this works the way I hope it will, it'll allow me to collect some of the things I’ve been toying with over the last few years into individual bound editions. Most of these things are only documented in random blog posts or newsletters, and I just like the idea of having a series of books on the shelf chronicling the work.

For example, I want to put together a volume about my Two Bit Punks series. I spent so much time on it and it means a lot to me, and I don't love the idea of it just being a blog post that fades away into the archives. Making it into a book gives me a better way to show the essay and the work together, as well as expand on bits of it that make sense. Of course I'll plan to include a number of the minted works in the book (I can't include unminted works, as I don't even know what those combinations would be yet). On that note a little under 400 pieces are still to be minted so mints between now and then (print date) may be included, but there will be some cut off point. Similarly I was thinking how some of the stories I collected for Burned Punks could be expanded on and collected with some other history I dug up while working on the Cryptopunks: Free to Claim (but that didn't make it into the book) and that might be a fun thing to be able to hold in your hands.
These are ideas at the moment but I'm liking them and generally moving in that direction. If any of the above interests you, let me know so I can gauge where on the to-do list this stuff gets sorted.
More soon!